Art, creativity, business, and life — it’s all connected.
If you’re an artist trying to balance your work, your art, and everything in between, you’ll find tips, stories, and insights to help you along the way. Whether it’s creative challenges or business advice, we’re here to help you plan, create, and thrive in your art life.
How to Curate Your Own Art Show
Thinking about curating your own art show? Let’s take a look at everything from finding the right venue to getting people in the door—so you can share your work exactly the way you want.
The Power of Storytelling in Your Art
How can sharing the story behind your art can help you connect with people on a deeper, more personal level?
Finding the Personal Value in Our Creative Process
Ready to make your creative process feel more personal and meaningful? Find out how to connect your art to what really matters to you.
Exploring New Techniques and Materials in Art
Let’s explore how we can push the boundaries of our artwork with new materials and techniques…
The Power of Critique Groups
What role does critique groups play in personal and creative growth? Learn how these groups provide support, constructive feedback, and inspiration to artists.