Oh, hello!

Let’s dig in a bit of why I create what I do…

My art is about more than just expressing my vision; it's about connecting with you, the viewer. I believe that art's true power lies in its ability to create a meaningful connection, making it truly impactful.

I explore abstract landscapes and typography, and I'm always on the lookout for new materials and techniques. There's nothing quite like walking into an art supply store and picking out a new material to experiment with. I'm especially fascinated by natural pigments and mixed media, and I love experimenting with different materials to create unique and unexpected results. Whether I'm incorporating new elements or pushing the boundaries of traditional techniques, I'm always striving to create art that reflects my inner narrative of the outside world.

Using a variety of mediums allows me to dive into a world of exploration and experimentation. Each material has its own unique properties and possibilities, and I enjoy the process of discovering how they interact and transform on the canvas. This playful experimentation is not only exciting but also essential to my creative growth. It keeps my work dynamic and fresh, and it often leads to surprising and delightful outcomes that I might never have anticipated.

My creative process is driven by intuition. I believe in a free-flowing approach, unbound by preconceived ideas or strict rules. I let my intuition guide me, allowing the materials and my emotions to shape the piece. This results in a multilayered and authentic final product that balances my inner thoughts and feelings with observations of the object and concept. By embracing an intuitive approach, I create pieces that are not only visual studies of moments in time but also have an emotional resonance that connects deeply with viewers.

My goal is to challenge you to see the world in new ways and to spark a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world around us. I invite you to look more closely at your surroundings and to find beauty and inspiration in everyday life.