OHR8 Maker Project

It’s time to create!

Let’s continue thinking and exploring about the tech and sustainability aspect from OHR8 as a community. Let’s bring some of the insights from the episode into our art and design practices through an art project!

Project Title: "Eco-Tech Vision"

Description: In this art project, we invite you to create a visual representation of your vision for a sustainable future using art and technology. Combine traditional art mediums with digital elements to depict your ideal environment, highlighting eco-friendly practices, renewable energy, or innovative solutions. Share your artwork on social media using the hashtag #ohhellorobotart and let's inspire each other with our visions for a sustainable world.


  1. Begin by brainstorming and sketching your ideas for a sustainable future. Consider elements like renewable energy sources, eco-friendly transportation, green spaces, or other innovative solutions.

  2. Choose your preferred art medium (painting, drawing, collage, digital art, etc.) and gather your materials.

  3. Create your artwork, incorporating traditional art techniques and technology. You can use digital software, augmented reality (AR), or mixed media approaches to add interactive or digital elements to your piece.

  4. Once your artwork is complete, take a high-quality photo or scan it.

  5. Share your artwork on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, using the hashtag #ohhellorobotart. Don't forget to include a description or caption about your vision for a sustainable future and how art and technology can contribute to positive change.

  6. Engage with others using the hashtag, explore their artworks, and spark conversations about the importance of environmental sustainability.

Remember, this art project is an opportunity for self-expression, creativity, and envisioning a better future. Let your imagination soar and share your unique vision with the world through art and technology!

Note: Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions and rights to share your artwork if using references or incorporating copyrighted material.

tag us at Ohhellorobot on instagram and facebook and use the tag #ohhellorobotart to share your work!


Oh Hello Robot Episode 9 - Who Owns AI Art?


Oh Hello Robot Episode 8 - Art, Technology, and Sustainability