ALP Episode 2 Project: Journey of Inspiration

ALP 2: Unpacking the Art Process: Ideation Make and Share

 Journey of Inspiration



To explore the different sources of inspiration discussed in the podcast episode and create an artwork that reflects the individual's creative process.




  • Sketchbook or journal

  • Various art supplies (e.g., pencils, pens, markers, paints)

  • Collage materials (e.g., magazines, newspapers, printed images)

  • Optional: Camera or smartphone for capturing reference images



Reflect and Explore: Begin by reflecting on the sources of inspiration that resonate with you from the podcast episode. Consider nature, art forms, literature, culture, emotions, introspection, and everyday life. Take some time to explore these sources further by immersing yourself in relevant experiences, such as visiting art exhibitions, reading books, going for nature walks, or engaging with different cultures.


Inspiration Gathering: As you engage with these sources of inspiration, capture moments, images, or phrases that speak to you. Use a camera or smartphone to take photos, jot down notes, or collect small objects that symbolize your experiences. This step is about gathering visual and textual references that will inform your artwork.


Ideation and Sketching: Referencing your gathered inspiration, start brainstorming ideas for your artwork. Use your sketchbook or journal to sketch rough concepts, jot down key themes or elements, and explore different compositions. Don't worry about perfection at this stage; let your ideas flow freely.


Medium and Technique Selection: Consider the medium and techniques that will best bring your vision to life. Do you prefer painting, drawing, collage, or a combination of various mediums? Choose the medium that aligns with your artistic style and allows you to convey your ideas effectively.


Artwork Creation: Using the chosen medium and techniques, begin creating your artwork. Use the sketches and references gathered earlier as a starting point, but also allow for spontaneity and experimentation. Let the creative process guide you as you bring your ideas to fruition. Remember to embrace the cyclical nature of the creative process and allow for revisions and refinements along the way.


Reflect and Evaluate: Take breaks during the art-making process to step back and reflect on your work. Consider how your chosen sources of inspiration influenced the direction of your artwork. Evaluate whether you're effectively conveying the themes, emotions, or messages you intended.


Presentation and Reflection:

Once your artwork is complete, take a moment to present it in a way that feels meaningful to you. This could involve displaying it on an easel, framing it, or creating a digital portfolio. Then, spend time reflecting on your creative journey. Consider the challenges you encountered, the breakthroughs you experienced, and the personal growth that occurred during the process.


Share and Discuss:

Share your artwork with others, whether it's through an exhibition, social media, or a discussion with fellow artists. Engage in conversations about the creative process, sources of inspiration, and the impact they have on your artwork. Encourage others to explore their own sources of inspiration and embark on their creative journeys.

Be sure to tag us at @artlifeplan with the hashtag #artlifeplanmakes


Remember, this art project is a personal exploration of your own creative process. Embrace the unique insights and experiences that shape your artistic voice. Enjoy the journey of inspiration, and let it guide you as you create meaningful and authentic artworks.


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Art Life Plan Episode 2 - The Art Process: Ideation