Februllage 2023

Sometimes the Febuary blahs happen...and those creative ideas stall out a bit (at least for those of us who are solar powered!). So the question becomes: how do I get unstuck.

I found this year that this issue started to occur in my creative practice after the glow of the new year began to wane. Luckily, on a meander through instagram, I stumbled onto the "Februallage" challenge--a collage a day.  As someone who enjoys digital collage (and I'm working on an oracle deck with this style), I figured it'd be a perfect way to get revved up in February.

One thing I find that I always have issue with during these daily/monthly challenges is that I, for some reason, have to create the piece on the day it's "live"...which adds a lot of pressure. Since I stumbled on this towards the end of January, I decided to start then and get a bit ahead--knowing I'd, at some point, fall a smidge behind.  I got a week started, got them scheduled out for the socials and then that pressure of "do it in one day!" alleviated. I ended up doing a few a week, which kept me slightly ahead of the game, until work got busy towards the end.  Then I found I almost got behind but caught it in the nick of time.

So if you're up for a fun challenge, I highly recommend this one.  Even if you do just a few days of it, it's a great tool to get those creative juices flowing.

Here's a link to the 2023 tags so you can enjoy the array of collages that were made during this challenge:  #februllage2023 hashtag on Instagram • Photos and videos

You can check out mine on my insta


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Multipassionate Artists and Social Media